About Us

The objects for which the company is established are:

(a) To carry on business as managers and proprietors of sports clubs (including but not limited to football clubs).

(b) To establish, engage and maintain the teams of football and other players, whether composed of amateurs or professionals or partly of amateurs and partly of professional players;

(c) To promote the practice and play of football and other athletic games, sports and pastimes of every description;

(d) To arrange, hold and conduct football and other matches of athletic sports of every description;

(e) To carry on business as sports promoters;

(f) To buy, hire or otherwise acquire all articles, implements, fixtures, furniture, apparatus and things used or required in the playing or practice of such games, sports or pastimes and to sell, let on hire, exchange or otherwise dispose of the same;

(g) To supply any person or persons (corporate or unincorporate) with ideas, plans, strategy, information, statistics and all assistance suited to selling or enhancing the sale of any product, service or thing;

(h) To acquire all rights, concessions, licenses, franchises and goodwill necessary or desirable to carry out the objects of the company; and,

(i) To carry on any other business which may be incidental, conducive, convenient, or proper to the attainment of any of the objects or purposes of the company.